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Translation Map

Map Information

The Translation Map plots out all of the different translations of publications during the eighteenth century. It showcases data concerning translations, printed publications, cities, countries, and publishers. A different color represents each language so the user can see their reach and compare them to other languages.


Map Points:

  • Publication.

  • Place of Publication.

  • Translation of Publication

Graph Points:

  • Publication.

  • Translation of Publication

  • Number of Editions



Translations show another form of reach of particular books during the eighteenth century. While some readers knew more than one language, multiple translations allowed books to expand their reach to those that it may not have reached otherwise. In addition to a lengthy and expensive printing process, translations can show the need for a particular publication.


Design and Names

The names of places used within the maps represent the majority of the eighteenth century. While the city itself is specific, the greater context tends to become more “ambiguous” depending on how much change is represented during the era or how disjointed the places are within the era. Additionally, historical lines or grids have been avoided due to the constantly changing boundaries of the era. The main purpose of the countries/states/continents is to give greater context for the specific city data. The map offers more detailed country information within the highlight cards.


User Guide

Users can click on any of the translations within the Graph Menu to highlight them within the map and get more details by clicking on individual marks. The user can also click on any of the points on the map to get more information about the publications. By clicking on the city name of the highlight card, one can pull up all of the books published in that city alone.

Penny University Library

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